Youth Group: Lift

6:30pm - 8:00pm
Groups, Youth Group

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Status: Open

Lift is our weekly gathering for students in 7th-12th grade. For many students, these are the years where they wrestle with making their faith their own. We strongly believe that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, so we strive to unpack big theological truths and break them down into bite-size portions.

We meet weekly in the youth room (down the stairs and to the right). A typical evening consists of free time, group games, worship, teaching and group discussion. For any questions or would like more information about our Lift youth program, you can reach us at or see Erik Havumaki



September 18 - kickoff night (pizza, games, introduction for upcoming year, etc…)
September 25 - How can I know that God exists?
October 2 - How do I know I can trust the Bible?
October 9 - Can God be good yet allow evil and suffering?
Oct 16-Nov 20 - Philippians book study

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