The church is a body, not a business. The church is an organism, not an organization. Therefore, a healthy church will function based on spiritual gifts, not elected offices. At Liberty Community Church, the members carry out the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11-12; Rom 12:4-8).
The New Testament, however, does give two specific offices for the functioning and administration of the church, that of Elder and Deacon (1 Tim 3:1-13; Phil 1:1). These two offices must be held by those who are biblically qualified. Leaders must be known and recognized by the congregation. These offices are not, however a clergy class within the church, separate to it itself. Rather, the Elders and Deacons are themselves members of the church body who are biblically qualified, serve the church, and are accountable to the Lord Jesus (who is the Chief Shepherd) and to the other elders and to the congregation.
Each local church is to be governed by a plurality of elders, along with the assistance of deacons, as necessary, to serve and lead the ministry needs of the local church. The elders and deacons work alongside all the saints (the church’s members) who are to be equipped for the work of ministry, striving to support the work of the church, unified under Jesus Christ, who it’s head (Matt 16:18; 1 Cor 3:11; Col 1:18).
Liberty Community Church is led by a team of elders, who are responsible for the pastoral care of the church. Elders are equal in their responsibility and authority, but different in their giftings.
For spiritual counsel or questions about the church, please contact them by emailing, by calling (203) 234-1938, or by speaking with them at one of the meetings of the church. The elders of Liberty Community Church meet twice monthly on the second Thursday and fourth Saturday of each month, in addition to regular communication with one another and the church body.
For more information on the ministry, leadership, and the biblical basis of elders click here.
The New Testament speaks of the church office of deacon (Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:8-13) and the title suggests very simply “one who serves”. The Elders need to have the time for prayer, study, and teaching of the Scriptures. Often in church, important ministry and practical concerns, especially as the congregation grows, can pull the elders in multiple directions (Acts 6:2). This is why Deacons are needed to help with the ministry, especially in the area of physical ministry to people and the church. Deacons are appointed by the elders, support the elders and the church’s ministry needs, and are recognized by the congregation.
Liberty Community Church is also blessed and supported by the work of staff, ministry leaders and volunteers. Hand in hand with the members (Rom 12:4-8; 1 Peter 4:10), the ministry of the local church may be enhanced by those who can devote even more time apart from other vocations to the work of the church by giving all or part of their week to facilitate the church’s work and ministry. The Bible says such laborers are worthy of wages (Luke 10:7; 1 Tim 5:18; Deut 25:4). The staff and volunteers are accountable to the elders, with the assistance of the Executive Elder.
We are also blessed to have several areas of ongoing ministry, which are assisted by the following: