
We observe the Lord’s Supper as a vital focus of our church’s corporate worship. We understand from Scripture that the Lord’s Supper is a communion for believers whereby we corporately remember the Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim His death until He comes. Our invitation to share in this communion is extended to all believers who know the Lord Jesus personally and walk in fellowship with Him. The elements of this holy supper consist of bread and the cup which are divinely appointed symbols representing our Lord’s body and blood which were given for us.

We observe the Lord’s Supper in an open worship service (the remembrance meeting) where the entire congregation is actively involved in the worship of the Lord Jesus. God’s people are free to guide the worship through a praise, a psalm, a hymn, a teaching, an exhortation, or a prayer, as led by the Holy Spirit and according to the guidelines of Scripture. 

Those speaking during this time of worship are not selected ahead of time but guide the meeting as they believe God prompts them.  Being led by the Spirit does not preclude individual preparation. Believers should prepare for communion by confession, bible reading and prayer in advance of this time of corporate worship. Participation should be orderly, reverent, honoring to God and edifying to the body. Periods of silence which may occur during the remembrance meeting should be viewed as opportunities for confession and individual silent worship and meditation on our Lord.

Luke 22:1920Acts 20:7Acts 2:421 Cor 11:23-321 Cor 14:26

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The Lord's supper

Our Communion Meeting

It was during the feast of the Passover that Jesus commanded the disciples to celebrate the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His sacrifice of His body and blood (His life) for the payment for sin. There is no command for a specific frequency for the Lord’s Supper. Our Lord’s Supper meeting is held on the 1st Sunday of each month at 9:00 am. It is a simple meeting that is marked by active participation and leading of the believers in attendance. This communion meeting is sometimes called the “remembrance meeting”.

The Focus is Jesus Christ

The focus of our worship at the Lord’s Supper at Liberty Community Church is not a sermon, music, or a liturgy. The table with the elements representing the body and blood of the Lord is the central focus of the room. No one is the minister, clergy, or priest administering the sacrament. The pattern of our communion meeting particularly highlights the priesthood of every believer (1 Peter 2:5,9-10).  All believers, because of Christ, now have direct access to the throne of God through Jesus Christ, our great High Priest. There is no division or distinction between clergy and laity in the church and this remembrance meeting is a special time to worship the Lord Jesus in fellowship with the church body. As priests, Christians have direct access to God through Christ. We all may minister to one another, and this special meeting gives the church a distinct place to minister and share as the Lord leads the body.

The Participation of His People 

The Lord’s Supper remembrance meeting purposefully leans into the involvement of all believers in attendance. Those remembering the Lord at this communion meeting can vocally participate by making remarks reflecting on the work of Christ, His person, His ministry, offering a prayer of remembrance and thanks, or reading Scripture. Those in attendance have made a concerted choice to participate in worship and observance around the Lord’s Table. We do not observe communion as part of the preaching service and music at 10am for the reason that observance of the Lord’s Supper in this manner worships the Lord Jesus in a special and focused way though the church remembering the gospel and functioning in it’s priestly character. There is no pre-arranged order of speakers. The elements are taken together together towards the end of the meeting with prayers of thanks for what they represent.

Communion is open to believers

If you trust in Jesus Christ the Lord as your Savior, you are welcome to partake at the meeting, regardless of your church affiliation elsewhere, as long as you take the elements in an examined, worthy manner (1 Cor. 11:27-29). Examination should include recognizing any strife with another brother or sister in Christ and must be resolved before partaking of the emblems (Matt 5:22-24, Matt. 18:15). Do not take of the elements if you have not examined yourself and confessed your sin. If you have not yet put your faith and trust in Christ as Savior, you may sit and observe the meeting without speaking or partaking of the emblems.

To know Him and make Him known

From the outside, this unique meeting could be observed as a simple and subtle witness of the character of our church. We are remembering the Lord Jesus, who we know personally. We do not know Christ just as an idea or a concept or a great teacher who once lived but is now a dim memory. We in fact know Christ. We know Him as the resurrected king seated at the right hand of the Father. We proclaim His death until He comes again. The Lord’s Supper is a strong witness that Jesus is not a myth.  There are people right here in North Haven who know Him, love Him and remember Him.

For more information on the remembrance of the Lord Jesus at the Lord’s Supper, please read our visitor’s guide to the Lord’s Supper, or the essay titled “Around the Table”.

Vistor's guide to the Lord's Supper at Liberty

"around the table"